Take my hand my friend,
I wish to help you along.
Just knowing there are two of us,
Can help to make you stronger....
Cleveland Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, as photographed by an Expedition 13 crew member on the International Space Station....
Having more than 500 million people hooked on to Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, the man behind the social netwoking revolution has been crowned as the 'Gadget Personality of the Year'.
The secret of how woman control man lies in a deck of cards.... How amazing and funny!! :)
No matter how much people or books say that all human beings are same... still we can find many differences between man and woman. These differences can be seen in their actions, their thoughts, their sayings etc etc... even the same sentence or phrase used by man and woman carries different meanings. So, we can say Female Dictionary and Male Dictionary are different....!! :) :) :)